Home Post 197-chapter-96


The director remained silent, watching Ruan Qiu closely. He observed her pick up a paperweight, presumably to place it on the paper she had just written on. Then, he saw her walk behind the screen, presumably to change clothes.

To protect the privacy of the guests, there were no cameras installed behind the screen.

Ruan Qiu first removed the embroidered black robe with gold thread, then unfastened the deep red outer robe, leaving only the inner garment. Standing sideways to the screen, the candlelight behind her cast her shadow onto the screen, revealing her exquisite figure.

The comments began to go wild as Ruan Qiu, amidst the increasingly excited chat, began to unfasten her blood-soaked inner garment. Just as she had removed a portion, revealing half of her delicate shoulder, she suddenly froze.

The audience saw that the silhouette of Ruan Qiu on the screen moved, and at the same time, she turned her head and put her undergarment back on. She must have noticed the issue with the silhouette and quickly walked behind the screen, blowing out the nearby candlestick shaped like a bluebird. The silhouette on the screen disappeared immediately.

The fans sighed with regret:

[Whimper, whimper, I didn’t do anything excessive, can’t I just look at my wife’s silhouette? (Pretending to be pitiful)]

[Wife’s figure is so good, shoulders are so attractive, whimper, I really like my wife! (Blushing)]

[Do you really just like her? You’re lusting after her body, you’re noble! You deserve respect!]

[Hahaha, what brings all the gentlemen and ladies here? Of course, it’s the beauty of the wife’s flesh! (Sucking sound)]

[Everyone calm down a bit, otherwise it won’t pass the review.]

The chat was in chaos, with ambiguous words flying everywhere. Some passersby who entered unintentionally saw the frenzy in the chat and thought they had stumbled upon some late-night show. The director watched nervously as the chat flew by rapidly, hesitating whether to silence it for a while to prevent the room from being locked by the administrators due to its lewdness.

The chat clamored to see the wife, and Ruan Qiu didn’t let them wait long. She quickly changed into clean clothes, donned the dragon robe, and rekindled the candlestick.

At first, the flame of the candlestick was not very bright, still jumping wildly, stretching Ruan Qiu’s silhouette long and swaying, making it impossible to see her figure clearly. After a while, the flame gradually stabilized, and Ruan Qiu’s silhouette reappeared on the screen.

Seeing Ruan Qiu’s complete silhouette, the chat felt a bit regretful, knowing that the live broadcast was almost over, and other guests had already gone to sleep, so they exchanged “goodnight” messages in the chat and prepared to go to bed.

The director looked at Ruan Qiu’s silhouette, holding his thermos cup, although the bad premonition in his heart had not dissipated, he gradually relaxed, preparing to let everyone in the production team rest and continue the broadcast the next morning.

One minute passed, but Ruan Qiu didn’t move.

Three minutes passed, and still Ruan Qiu remained motionless.

The audience who hadn’t left gradually noticed something was wrong.

[How long has Ruan Qiu been standing like this??]

[Why is she still standing there? Is she thinking about something?]

[But even if she’s thinking about something, she shouldn’t be standing there all the time, right? Director, go check what’s wrong with Ruan Qiu, don’t let anything unexpected happen!]

The chief director instantly became nervous. He quickly instructed the staff who were packing up to stop and directed the extras resting outside the Emperor’s chamber to go in and see what was happening with Ruan Qiu.

A palace maid received the director’s message and promptly pushed open the door, entering and heading straight for the screen where Ruan Qiu was supposed to be. As she walked, she called out, “Your Majesty? Your Majesty, are you alright?”

No response.

The maid’s footsteps slowed down as she approached, feeling a bit scared as she swallowed hard. Quietly, she reached the screen’s edge and began pushing it aside.

Just as the viewers who had been called back from their sleep were returning, the audience in Ruan Qiu’s live stream surged. Amidst a flurry of trembling comments, the scene behind the screen finally revealed itself on the screen:

On the long wings of the bluebird-shaped candlestick, a cut-out piece of paper stood upright, illuminated by the candlelight, casting a silhouette on the screen that bore a striking resemblance to Ruan Qiu.

A stone-made paperweight pressed down on the long edge of the paper to prevent it from being burnt by the candle flame and to keep it steady, standing in place.

The director gasped, almost fainting.

Ruan Qiu!! Can’t you just behave yourself for once?!


[This is too much, right? How did Ruan Qiu do it? What’s going on in her head? Can she share some of her IQ with me?]

[So Ruan Qiu was preparing all this stuff by the desk earlier? Incredible, really incredible.]

[Isn’t the most important question now is where Ruan Qiu went? Did she run away?]

[Is the camera crew just for show?]

Trembling, the director took a sip of cold tea to calm his nerves, quickly contacting the other extras, especially the armed guards and soldiers still inside the palace, instructing them to leave no stone unturned in finding Ruan Qiu.

The head of the camera crew activated all the surveillance camera feeds, searching for any trace of Ruan Qiu. He knew that Ruan Qiu must have once again taken advantage of all the surveillance blind spots in the palace, just like last time. She had undoubtedly planned all this, calculated the blind spots of the cameras.

Just as the audience was gearing up for some excitement and the director was getting anxious, Ruan Qiu suddenly appeared at the edge of the long palace wall.

She stepped onto the stone path, saw the cameras on both sides of the wall, and knowing she could no longer hide, continued to stride forward openly. She watched as the cameras followed her movement and even waved at them.

The director, seeing Ruan Qiu’s smiling face on the screen, almost lost his temper.

Ruan Qiu thought for a moment and then spoke to the camera, “Good evening, everyone. I’m heading to the Cold Palace to see Empress Wan.”

“Not sure if the director noticed the paper I left on the desk,” Ruan Qiu continued walking briskly, “but if not, I’ll explain. The paper is for Eunuch Li. I instructed him to take the Imperial Decree on the desk and stand at the palace gate at dawn. He is to hand it to the first person who arrives and asks about my whereabouts. Both conditions must be met.”